We Have Opened A Second Facility

Jul 15, 2020 -- Posted by : admin

Christian Based Rehab OKC

Due To The Need For Christian-Based Drug Rehab, We Have Opened A Second Facility

Drug or alcohol addiction is challenging to overcome. These substances can undermine a person's self and cripple their strength. Many people struggle to escape this trap and fail because they don't have a robust support system. At Rob’s Ranch, we help people discover the power of faith and use it to defeat this enemy. Our spiritual treatment center has helped hundreds of people recover, and we hope to work with hundreds more at our newly opened second facility.

What is Christian-Based Rehab?

Our Christian-based drug rehab is a comprehensive, science-backed recovery program with spirituality at its core. It is based on the proven 12-Step developed by Alcoholics Anonymous, which has now become the industry standard and is one of the oldest treatment programs of its kind.

Faith-based rehabilitation focuses on acknowledging that addiction is a disease that people can’t control. It can compromise a patient’s mind and undermine their will to resist temptation. People struggling with addiction can find comfort and support in a higher power when they feel powerless. Our treatment encourages patients to surrender to the will of God and let Him be the guide.

What Are The Benefits Of Christian-Based Rehab?

People seek a Christian center for alcohol and drug treatment because it offers a wide range of benefits. Some of the most significant advantages of our programs have over other alternatives include:

Sense of Community – The Christian faith connects billions of people worldwide, giving them a strong sense of community. The struggle against drug or alcohol addiction is a lonely path. People feel abandoned by society and can't find an anchor to hold on to. Our faith-based rehab helps them feel connected to society once again, and that can increase the chances of recovery.
Better Long Term Results – Patients who are grounded in faith are less likely to relapse. Approximately 80% of patients in the Alcoholics Anonymous program don't abuse alcohol again. We use an approach based on the 12-step program and see similar results.
Going Beyond Addiction – We believe that addiction is a disease and a symptom. There are underlying factors driving people to substance abuse, and addressing them can prevent a relapse. Our counselors will work with patients to reconnect with family, improve mental health, and identify triggers that can cause them to relapse.

Rob’s Ranch – The Second Center

Our first rehab center has helped thousands of people overcome addiction and get on a healthier part. Running that facility was a great learning experience for us all. We studied what worked and what didn’t, how patients responded to different kinds of treatments, and what type of environment they needed to succeed in therapy.

Our second drug rehab and alcohol treatment center has a more refined design and approach based on everything we have learned. It offers a peaceful, tranquil environment and has compassionate experts equipped to help you through this difficult time.

They will provide straightforward advice, constant support, and sound counseling. Our faith-based approach is efficient, allowing patients to connect with a higher power and rely on their spiritual belief to heal.

If you want to know more or wish to find a rehab facility, don’t hesitate to contact us at Rob’s Ranch. You can call (405) 253-3838 or contact [email protected].



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